Breakfast Recipe Vegetarian

by Chitra Dagar
(Delhi, India)

I want to learn how to make vegetarian breakfast with a slice in easy way.

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Some Vegetarian Breakfast Recipe Ideas
by: Clarissa the Mom Chef

Hi Chitra!

There are so many yummy and nutritious breakfast recipes that are quick and easy. If you're looking for vegetarian breakfast recipes that you can slice up quickly then breakfast sandwiches are perfect. Bagels, toast, croissants, or any of the wonderful Indian breads make a great base. Top with cheese slices and fresh fruits (berries are nice). Chop up vegetables such as spinach and onions add eggs, beat and make an omelet with a dollop of yogurt on top.

Make a hot bowl of quick oats and add fresh mango slices. Heat up leftover lentils on toast for another nutritious quick breakfast idea. Or make an Indian breakfast quesadilla using Indian bread (instead of Mexican tortillas) stuffed with cheese and sliced vegetables, lightly fried in butter, crispy and delicious.

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