Candy Corn Style Taco Pockets

by Ashley
(Anderson, Indiana, USA)

Candy Corn Style Taco Pockets

Candy Corn Style Taco Pockets

This recipe is perfect to serve for dinner on Halloween night.


1 pound of hamburger
1 bag of taco seasoning
1 oz of water (after seasoning)
5 oz of Velveeta cheese block
2 containers of croissant rolls
1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup of butter

*Pre-heat the oven to 350F degrees.

*Cook the hamburger on medium until brown.

*Drain, running water over the hamburger to decrease the grease so that the cheese won't be runny.

*When hamburger is cooked, add the taco seasoning and 1 ounce of water, mix thoroughly.

*Add 5 ounces of Velveeta cheese, mix until hamburger is thick.

*Lay out croissant rolls on a buttered, oven safe, pan. Croissant rolls should lay out in a triangular shape.

*Put 1 tablespoon of hamburger on each croissant roll. Once finished, if any hamburger is left, you may put more on each croissant roll.

*Cover the croissant with another rolls of croissants, making a triangular "pocket".

*Lightly butter the sides and top of the croissant roll, so that the croissant roll stays closed and the cheese sticks to the pocket.

*Lightly sprinkle mozzarella cheese on the top of the croissant rolls.

*Lightly sprinkle cheddar cheese on the lower half of the croissant rolls, making them look like Halloween candy corn.

*Cook in oven for about 15-20 minutes or until brown, then serve with taco fixings like sour cream, taco sauce, etc.

Serves 8 people

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by: Anonymous

looks weird but taste good!

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