Rosemary Goldies

by Michael Aronwits
(Anchorage, Alaska)

I love to cook, so one day I just mixed all my favorite ingredients together and made this crispy potato recipe. This is an amazing recipe!


*About 10 medium red potatoes
*2 tablespoons olive oil
*1/4 cup dried rosemary
*salt/pepper for taste

*cookie sheet
*large bowl

Preheat oven to 400F degrees. Cut potatoes in half or quarters, (whatever you prefer), and place in the large mixing bowl. Add the olive oil and half the rosemary. Mix together with your hands.

On a foil covered cookie sheet, place potatoes, skin side up, and sprinkle the rest of the rosemary on. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy!

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